

Full Disclaimer

We are here to be of assistance

These inspections are called by from third-party agencies

Insurance companies to ensure that the product or ensuring is in good enough condition and that the surroundings to what they’re ensuring meet their criteria. They want to be able to assess the risk and the condition of what it is that they are ensuring.

We have no authority over any agency, company or 3rd party to ensure approval, bind a policy or accept anyone’s inspection for any reason.  We understand every 3rd party has the right to make their own decisions as to who they want to do business with or what they want to qualify. Municipalities’ employees are the only ones with the “Authority having jurisdiction” to accept or approve or indicate that anything meets code or any other municipal certifications.

Municipalities are requesting thermal inspections for the purpose of ensuring public Saftey, that there are no thermal anomalies. A lot of switch gear, disconnects, main shut off are required to be turned off in order for switches shutoffs and the like covers to be opened and or closed. This will require Shutdown notice to all end users & all equipment to be powered back on, placed under a load for the thermal photos, then maybe powered down again to safely close all open panels. This is by manufacturer design. In these cases, it is not an option.

1.     This is done so that only qualified personnel can open switches or panel as safe as possible in an attempt not to damage equipment, interrupt work flow unexpectedly or create safety issues. 

2.     The manufacturer has created these safeguards intentionally.

3.     All downstream electrical (individual units) should be turned off prior to the power down of the panels to be opened.

4.     The buildings should have their electrician present to open panels and then secure them. If we are being asked to open panels we do not accept any responsibility, accountability for any issues resulting from any work effort or failure thereafter.

5.     The building should have their maintenace person or electrician present during the themal survey to witness all activities and to respond if necessary to effect repairs if needed as we do a non-contact photo documentation of what is, we do not repair, troubleshoot or make any kind of recommendations as to who to use or what to do. Anything we may say is meant in good faith only and not considered to be a directive or anything other than thinking out load. A kind of what would we do if it were us.

6.     The buildings Electrician or buildings representative is there “the whole time” to ensure that all areas are left in the same condition as when we arrived and to ensure that all areas are left secured/locked, so that unqualified personnel cannot enter an electrically charged area once we leave. Their job is to ensure that everything is kept safe for everyone’s sake.

7.     The next day, or even later on that day. Once the load is reintroduced, the thermal can be taken once 40% load is reestablished in order to be able to view or understand if there is an issue. This will allow us to be able to place an amp meter on circuit and use a multimeter to get a better understanding of what is being viewed. This is necessary in order to be able to accurately explain what the thermal photo is indicating. Not just indicate that there is a temperature elevation at a given point. The reasoning behind this is, without knowing how much of the load is on a given circuit, there would be no comparing it to a nearby circuit under similar conditions. To understand the heat generated you would have to understand the work load the circuit is under.

8.     Recommended procedure is to let all clients know a time and date that all equipment at their locations is scheduled to be shut off prior to the power down. 

9.     Let them know that they will be asked to turn on a majority of all their equipment while thermal photos are being taken.

10.  Let them know a time and date that there will be a secondary power down for the shutoffs to be powered down & all electrical switches, switchgear or shutoff panels closed.

11.  These inspections are being asked for by the municipality to ensure that the electrical system is publicly safe for its current use and continued operations.

This means that most if not all of your Switchgear, Electrical controls, shutoffs, will be powered down and then powered back up in order to open and take the thermal photos. Electrical panels / load centers will be removed and surveyed prior to them being replaced.

If these pieces of equipment have not been serviced recently, they have a likelihood to have issues, once turned off, please have your own electrical people on hand as a contingency. In most cases these switches have not been services or used for a number of years. If they have not been serviced, they have a good likelihood of failing during the survey. Like any piece of equipment being used it still does have a chance of failing especially once touched after being in a fixed position for a long period of time. We take no responsibility in any way for any loss direct, indirect, replacement, damages or losses of any kind. Your electrical personnel should be there to disconnect reconnect turn on, turn off and deal with any repairs to your building. It is your building; you are required the Municipal Certification in order to continue to operate.

The purpose of the inspection is to uncover anything that may be deficient or lacking. Inspectors are human, not perfect and may not catch everything. They always do their best. Different types of inspections are specific to the inspection type and are not all encompassing. Even specific inspection types may only go into a certain level of detail & only be “representative” of the whole and not each and every item.

Any damages done during an inspection i.e., A panel shorting out because of a wire to close to a screw, switchgear, a shut off not turning on 1ce turned off, a breaker not turning back on 1ce turned off, a roof collapsing under an inspectors feet, or ceiling giving way, tub overflowing causing floor damage, a valve breaking when turned on or off, a sink clogging when put to use, anything just about anything that could occur when using or taking anything apart related to the inspection is a risk of having an inspection and is in no way the responsibility or an issue in part or as a whole for the inspector his company to deal with or participate in or deal with repairs, cost thereof, recommendations for repairs, damages or any liabilities direct or indirect for any losses to any parties for any reason.

On the report the disclaimer will be an abbreviated version that will read


This is a confirmation of or original agreement. We work under direction of the Electrical Engineer.

A list should be provided of what should surveyed prior to the survey / inspection, if not we use our best judgement.

At commercial locations, it is recommended that ample  prior notification should be provided to all affected parties of shut down on (2) occasions; power down to open & power down to close electrical shutoffs.

Nothing in this report shall be construed directly or indirectly as a guarantee of any future condition.

To the best of our knowledge and ability, this report represents an accurate appraisal of the present electrical condition of the buildings electrical system. Liability direct or indirect related for all activities involved with, resulting from, or related to, preforming this inspection or

creating this report is limited to the invoiced value for this specific report. The owner & commissioning agent agrees to have a Qualified electrical representative present at all times to safely: open electrical panels, shut offs, etc. & to provide access as necessary, to unlock, interface with clients or other tenants, power down & power equipment back up, to insure all is left in the same condition as when we

arrive. We are only there to do the thermal survey. When left in a situation where we must continue and open panels without your companies’ electrician or maintenance personnel; we assume no liability or responsibility of any kind. Equipment may not power back on after powering down or may have issues thereafter. This is not uncommon in equipment that has not had routine annual maintenance. Thus, the mandate for inspections.

We are here only to do a “non-contact thermal review” and not to open panels,

troubleshoot, recommend or repair any system. especially any apparently electrically dangerous / unsafe equipment or conditions.

These will be reported as required by the local building department. Return visits for whatever reason will have a return visit charge, based on time & mileage. For any additional information or more details please refer to the hanscombmeans.com website


Our inspectors work at your will & pleasure, in good faith and attempt to be as cautions as possible for their own safety & yours. If something appears to be questionable it will be noted, not forced. There are always times when there are no visible signs that something will occur during and inspection.

Hope all is clear.

We are here to help, render a report of what is to the best of our ability. Our inspection does not indicate that any items will continue to function or have any kind of longevity, we do not guarantee continued operation of any inspected items.

We only report the conditions of what is; at the time of the inspection. This is done to the best of our ability by trained personnel who have no vested interest other than a good inspection.


For all other types of inspections:

We are there to manipulate, articulate, move, use, turn on turnoff open close all types of switches, windows, doors, door locks, panels, valves, etc. There is no guarantee that once we open, turn on turnoff anything that it will go back to its previous state. We are there to do an inspection. We have never been on premises before & and take no responsibility that anything we touch to be working order or will continue to be in working order. We are there to do an inspection. We are there to find out if it is in working order. We are not there to guarantee its future condition, nor is our presence a guarantee that it is currently in working order.  When items are not in working order there. Sometimes peripheral damages, we have no liability, direct or indirect, do not repair, recommend repairs.

We understand that the owners are responsible to maintain liability insurance to cover any injuries that we may sustain while being on their property.

We are under the understanding that the property is in good condition, all items are in safe working order and we are there as an additional set of professional eyes to confirm & potentially identify any additional details that may have been overlooked for the benefits of any involved parties.

Inspectors are human & inspectors surveys are representative of condition and do not check 100% of all items i.e. every hose bib, receptacle, window or crank handle, etc.

Our inspectors are professionals with many years’ experience top of the line equipment & care greatly in producing a quality product. They will always be able to answer your questions professionally, show good faith & produce a quality report.

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Professional Thermal Inspection Services | Accurate & Reliable